The goal of the Withitgirl Art Club during the Pandemic was for each young artist to look back at their younger self and to be mindful of the important things that had transpired in the years leading up to our collective reality of 2021. Each artist was asked to reflect with the intention to locate areas of growth and maybe even see if some ways of thinking still held true, or perhaps changed for better or worse.
Mentor + Art Educator Joyce Grimm
I (Joyce Grimm) volunteered to build the Withitgirl Art Club in 2021 with the hope that it would help each of us in the group to connect with our creative selves after such a hellacious Covid induced year. We needed to use the healing power of creative exploration. Our group was formed from the collection of withitgirls that desired to participate, who are also part of the WIG online forum since 2020, and eager to make artwork.
As we create, we ask questions and find meaning, we get dirty, and we often become lost in our own minds - that is where the magic begins. The process helps us to be expressive and it allows us to grow and make sense of our life. It was my goal for people to do less mindless scrolling and instead start to create work so they can get lost in their own creative world. Artwork, writing, music, humor- anything that involves problem-solving so we can take note of the world around us.
I valued my ability to connect with each young lady as the weeks progressed into months. It was nice to see their ideas and the work develop. I encouraged them to take chances, try something new and dig a little deeper to uncover meaning in the process.
ROUND ONE: Create a self-portrait depicting a time where you felt your life was the simplest or the most innocent. You should be present in this artistic depiction whether it is literal or with the use of symbolism. The final work should give the viewer a sense of you.
ROUND TWO: After the passing of 2020, a very tumultuous year, how have you changed or evolved from the younger YOU? Your artwork should respond to the content you created for round one. Share with the viewer what your self-portrait holds today. Extend your thinking from your first piece so we see what you may have learned.
Joyce Grimm is the Chief Curator for Adobe’s Festival of the Impossible. The FOI 2020 exhibition Identity and the Meaning of Home was the first virtual exhibition format and was created because of covid. Grimm has been curating art exhibitions since 2005, was the former Co-Director and Owner of Triple Base Gallery 2005-2011. Since the pandemic, she created an online art program for Withitgirl and a pilot program for Industrial Design Outreach teaching students at SFUSD.
Education, Curiosity, Movement, Art, Tolerance, Respect, Equality, and Inventive Thinking- This is what we need now!
Joyce Grimm website
Festival of the Impossible website
Identity, and the Meaning of Home - Abstract
Industrial Design Outreach website
Video Production Intern: Christian Kerchenski Music: Produced + Donated by Friends for Withitgirl
© 2020-2021 withitgirl. All rights reserved. We appreciate your feedback!